This is the soap box I promised last week. If you haven’t read where I’m going with this, you can do so here. By the way, if you think everyone deserves a participation ribbon, this post is NOT for you. You’ve been warned. Continue reading

This is the soap box I promised last week. If you haven’t read where I’m going with this, you can do so here. By the way, if you think everyone deserves a participation ribbon, this post is NOT for you. You’ve been warned. Continue reading
The game is afoot. I have three of my best players sitting a bye week and it’s time for Move #2 in Clifford’s and my War of the Roses .
Move #2: With Great Risk Comes Great Reward
Thomas Jefferson better be right. I have never researched my Fantasy Football picks as much as I have this week, delving into stats and predictions and theories and injury lists, etc. It was a bit beyond obsessive. I settled on a lineup at 8:25PM (our league locks in on Thursday’s kick off) willing fate be on my side.
Clifford had one player live last night. Only 3 points went his way. Granted it was his Tight End, but I’ll take it. Beggers can’t be choosers in a scenario such as this. Of course this is the week the Seahawks score 13 — on my bench. I have all my eggs in the Cardinals’ Defensive basket for Week 7 and it had better pay off bigger than the Easter Bunny.