Tag Archives: competition

The Particpant – A Soap Box Production

Danger Header

This is the soap box I promised last week. If you haven’t read where I’m going with this, you can do so here. By the way, if you think everyone deserves a participation ribbon, this post is NOT for you. You’ve been warned.  Continue reading


Libby V Clifford (part 1)

Week 7 is Libby V Clifford. My team plays my husband’s in our league. Some might think there’s a conflict of interest in that, I just see an enhanced competitive spirit that keeps our marriage alive.

Big BYE week for both of us and we need substitutions.  This is a week for bold moves.

Move #1: We’ve both been talking about the Cardinals defense, hardly waiting till today to pick them up. I may have set my alarm for 3:14AM to secure them. That’s 14 whole minutes I gave Clifford as a head start. He chose to sleep. Nothing I can do about that.



To be continued …


I Am Competitive

Can you read the words on the shirt?

That's me. circa 1997?

Me. circa 1997?

“Doesn’t play well with others.”

There might be way more truth in that statement than I ever care to admit. And there might have been some catering to a kitschy 90s trend by literally wearing pithy inner thoughts on my chest for the world to see. Either way, a true statement is a true statement. Continue reading
