Category Archives: No-Take-Backs

Throw-Back-Monday: Our Best Friend’s Wedding

Four years ago Clifford and I hauled up to good old Indiana for Chelle’s and my best friend’s wedding. “Best friend” is an understatement … Darewood is my brother from another mother. In our awkward years (his were MASSIVELY awkward, by the way) we were like two peas in a pod (except I had the better hair). We were thick as thieves. He was the Thelma to my Louise.

two peas in a pod cartoon

Just missing Brad Pitt.

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Never Underestimate The Power Of A Mixed-Tape

I remember my first mixed-tape.

Mixed-tape cartoon

Best. Gift. Ever. Completely customizable.

I had to record songs through a microphone held next to the television speakers to capture the latest hits on MTV (yes, they actually played music videos once upon a time). I had everything from Madonna to the Beastie Boys to NKOTB; I even had The Bat Dance. An epic tape and probably the best one I’ve made to this day. Continue reading


Awesome-Flash-Back: Fake George and Me

Inspired by Papa Monkey’s post, I had to add an awesome Dragoncon flashback of my own. I’d seen Fake George Lucas for years and I finally got a picture with him. It was epic.

Fake George and me as Foxxy Cleopatra. And he likes Foster's!

Fake George Lucas and me as Foxxy Cleopatra. And he likes Foster’s! I bet real George does, too.




Throw-Back-Monday:My First Dragoncon (guest post)

This week’s  Throw-Back has been submitted by community member Papa Monkey.  A definite No-Take-Back. Thanks for submitting!

So I have never had a problem admitting that I’m a geek.  In doing this, I made sure to set certain boundaries.  Am I ever going to spend my evenings in some poorly lit basement playing Dungeons and Dragons? No.  Do I have any desire to write poetry in Klingon?  Never.  Am I ever going to go to a sci-fi convention?  Certainly not.  THOSE are the people who need to get a life.  Not me.

Things started to change.  I had met the woman who would eventually be my wife and early on in our relationship she mentioned that she was being dragged to Dragoncon in downtown Atlanta by her sister who wanted to check out the art on display.  My future wife certainly is not as geeky as me, so I couldn’t wait to hear horror stories about fat sweaty guys in stormtrooper costumes freaking out because there was a female in their presence.  Here’s the kicker: she loved it.  She told me that she and her sister were already planning on going back next year and I had to go with them.

Fast forward one year and there I was in Atlanta having no idea what to expect.  There are not enough words in the English language to describe the sensory overload that I experienced. People of all ages were dressed as every character in popular culture that you could imagine and thousands more that you couldn’t.

Above view of Dragoncon

Every character you could imagine.

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Breaking Bad? Uh … yes, please!

Recently I found myself abandoned in Fort Collins. About 1500 miles from the place I called home, holed up in my sister’s house, lost and relatively alone (Clifford renovating the bathroom doesn’t exactly count as company), I felt I was being caged in a split-level abode with nothing but a few take-out menus and the Roku for camaraderie. What was a girl to do? Continue reading


Throw-Back-Monday: The Naked Mile (guest post)

This week’s installment of Throw-Back-Monday has been submitted by community member umalum99.  Enjoy!

At the University of Michigan, the legendary Naked Mile took place on the last day of classes each school year.  I say “took” place because, as I understand it, the Naked Mile is no-more (thanks overly sensitive fun-killers).

Observing my first event, I saw things I will never forget; specifically, a naked man on a unicycle waving sparklers around.  My thought was “I want that to be me!”  Not the naked unicyclist, but a participant.

With sparklers!

With sparklers!

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I Went to a Psychic

My big sis took me to Ace Gilletts Lounge in old town Fort Collins to meet her friends Diane and Stephanie (great girls!)

Diane and Stephanie cartoon

Cool chicks

Ace Gilletts was designed to have a little of that old speakeasy flair. It was cozy. I dug the vibe. I drank Milk and Honey (excellent, by the way, I highly recommend), and we ordered a few apps. As we got to talking one thing led to another and my sister and I left the bar with a recommendation for an excellent local psychic.

Psychic cartoon

This is what I pictured. 

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Like Peas And Carrots

Throw-Back Monday (because I love alliteration)

Have you ever had a moment with someone that was so special you just knew you were the kind of kindred spirits that would be joined at the hip for the rest of your life? Like peas and carrots. I had that moment not too long ago. Continue reading


Head Games

Pre-Thanksgiving tradition: Clifford and I drive an hour away to a family farm in northern Georgia to get our Christmas tree every year. We do this because as a Hoosier at heart, I believe Christmas trees are meant to be sought and chopped. None of these pre-cuts from a commercial lot. One needs to work to find his perfect match. You have to sift through the masses, scrutinize your selection from all sides, take a moment to compare it to its surrounding mates, nitpick its flaws and then when you’ve finally found the right one, tear it down. A lot like dating, actually. I love it. Clifford hates it, but that’s par for the course.

 In a nutshell – we came.

The Farm

Tree Farm

 We Saw.

The One

The One

 And then Rockefeller Center landed in our living room.

Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center

But that wasn’t the best part! This year’s annual expedition to the backwoods of our fine state brought an even bigger smile to my face. What began as an inside joke had finally taken root the way it was always meant to do. Continue reading


I Bought Darth Vader A Shandy

My first addition of Throw-Back Monday (because I love alliteration). Enjoy!

So I hung out with Darth Vader. For over three hours. He called me “his little friend”. I bought him a shandy, an actual shandy. He’s British. I think it’s a thing there. So yeah, not to be confused with the VOICE of Darth Vader, the great James Earl Jones, I am talking about the former Mr. Universe, Dave Prowse. The ACTUAL Darth Vader.

Darth Vader

Drinking A Shandy

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