Category Archives: No-Take-Backs

The Music Challenge #1

I am not exactly sure how I’m going to structure The Music Challenge. So forgive me if it changes a bit from post to post. The one thing I do know is that they will not be in any particular order. I’m not ranking them. How would one even begin to rank 365 songs?

Also, I have changed my Thursday-Thank-Yous page (no one seemed particularly thankful on Thursdays) to The Music Challenge to keep my ongoing list of one year’s worth of songs that transport me or remind me of something special.

Kicking things off – today I share with you my beloved Billy Joel. I’m sure he’ll show up a few more times (big fan). However, there was one song that always throws me back to my tween years.

I watched the video a thousand times. It was pretty iconic for a music video in the day. It was also one of those songs, as a naïve tweener, where you know this musician is totally hitting the nail on the head. He’s calling out the man and sharing a killer message everyone should be listening to. I was being told by Billy Joel himself (in 4 minutes and 49 seconds) 40 years of newsworthy history that had brought us to the world as we knew it then (1989). Mind. Blown.

Every time I hear the song now, I’m reminded of a conversation I had with one of my uncles over dinner in Savannah. We were at Churchill’s Pub eating fish and chips. I remember that part as clear as day.  I don’t know how we got on the topic. I was probably being some idealistic college student talking about changing the world because it’s so tragic now and that’s what you do in college – swim in idealism. He took in what I said, listening to me rant with a knowing look in his eye, and then proceeded to tell me how every generation thinks theirs is the one that’s messed up and destroying the world. They think every other generation had it so much better than theirs does. Maybe the 80s had things like The Cold War, but the 50s had things like the Korean Conflict. It wasn’t all poodle skirts and house fraus waiting on their husbands and children like some Leave It To Beaver episode. Yeah, my uncle is pretty smart. I loved that dinner with my uncle. I think it was the only one-on-one with him I’ve ever had.

Billy Joel is smart, too. This song is probably far from many a fan’s favorite of his, mine included, but it is memorable and it does remind me of an awesome moment shared with my uncle during a surprise dinner while he dropped knowledge bombs left and right. Backing up my uncle’s words, the song states, pretty boldly might I add, that the grass is not greener. Nor was it ever. A great song to kick off The Music Challenge.

  1. We Didn’t Start The Fire (1989)


I would love your thoughts on this song! Love it? Hate it? Does it remind you of something in particular? 


The Road Not Taken

Yep. The title of this post is EXACTLY what it says. Hadn’t read this in a really long time and it called to me randomly late last night. SO FREAKING ON POINT. I forgot how much I love it. I hesitated in posting because everyone has posted this somewhere and it’s a bit cliché, but then I decided it’s my blog, I can be cliché, and I can post whatever I want. Enjoy!

- all credit to Mr. Frost

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.



The Music Challenge

I’ve been delayed with my posts over the holidays. For that, I apologize. But hey!! It’s a new year!

This year I am pretty resolute about my resolutions – I made none. I have made resolutions of some kind every year since I can remember and as they don’t typically stick, I decided to try something different by simply ringing in 2015 as it was.

Clifford and I found ourselves playing a hand of two-player Euchre while watching the old ball drop. Again, I’m trying to think a little differently this time around. Perhaps not being as celebratory while 2014 came to a close will be far more fruitful than a silly list of declarations that get lost in the shuffle of day to day life a few weeks into the New Year. We shall see. That said, I still want to wish everyone out there all the best in 2015! May it be the ultimate year yet!

Moving into the New Year, I’ve spent the last few weeks bombarded with year-end retrospectives, Best-of-2014 lists, and other various nostalgic throw-backs to days gone by. Though inundated by music and media ad nauseam, I found myself inspired.

Now I was never that musically savvy. I myself can’t carry a tune. I never attended many concerts or bought that many cassettes or CDs. Movies were much more my thing. That said, I was a child born in the 70s (1979 does count as being born in the 70s), raised in the 80s, and living her teen angst-ridden years in the 90s… I’d forgotten how formative music was for me at one time and how some of the greatest music ever produced had emerged from those decades.

In fact, I’d gotten away from music almost altogether over the last ten years or so. Sure, it might have been on in the background while I was driving or on in the classroom when I was teaching, but I haven’t really been listening to the music. I tuned out when I was tuned in. It was white noise.

In the last several weeks, though, I’ve been listening again. I’ve been listening to the radio shows do their little flashbacks to whenever and almost every time a tune has played from my past, I’ve been completely transported. I know they say smell is the strongest memory trigger, but these songs of my youth have me remembering moments that have been long since forgotten. Okay, maybe not that long. I am only 35.

I’ve been remembering silly snippets and meaningful moments that I haven’t thought about in years. These flashbacks are fabulous. Even the sad songs have me smiling because enough years have now passed that time has healed whatever hurt way back when. Again, I’ve been inspired.

I have been inspired to find 365 songs that remind me of people I’ve met, moments I’ve shared, thoughts I’ve had through the years. I want to find 365 songs that trigger some sort of recollection, vivid or vague, over the last 30 odd years of my life.  This is not a resolution but rather an exploration – a challenge, really. We will see where it goes.

Music played a larger role in my life than I’d remembered or probably even cared to admit. Now it’s time to go back and appreciate all of those tiny (and not so tiny) no-take-backs set to the unexpected soundtrack of classic rock, pop and grunge music (with a little bit of The Beatles and 50s doo-wop sprinkled into the mix).

What songs take you back? Where do they take you? 

To kick things off – a 90s classic …




A Merry Little Christmas (circa 2005)

Where do I begin? It was Christmas Eve nine years ago. Clifford and I had been married for 2 months. We were headed up to my childhood home in Northern Indiana for Christmas – our first as a married couple. Continue reading


Throw-Back-Monday: I Had An Uderstudy

Remember those primary school musical extravaganzas? There was usually one in the winter and one in the spring… You would attend music class maybe once or twice a week throughout the year. You supposedly learned to sing. Your class partnered with other classes to pull off a 90 minute concert wherein you awkwardly demonstrated your music prowess, or lack thereof, for an array of family and friends sitting obligatorily (and rather uncomfortably) in the bleachers of the school gym. Yeah, I wasn’t really a fan of those events, either. Continue reading


Throw-Back-Monday: Ice Skating

Oil and water, orange juice and toothpaste, Pepsi and milk (I don’t care what Laverne says) – these are things that that simply do not mix. These things are not things for me. Continue reading


It’s A Wonderful Life

It’s A Wonderful Life. It’s coming this weekend! You need to watch it. It’s A Wonderful Life is one of those movies I had on a list. You know, movies like Citizen Kane and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Movies that you want to watch because by everyone’s standards they are epic pivotal influential films that must be seen and appreciated and discussed. Films that will change the very core of your being.

Of course I didn’t see it until four or five years ago, but when I did. my mind was blown. My heart was warmed. Frank Capra knew his stuff. One of Jimmy Stewart’s finest performances.  Everything about this film is solid gold.

Yes, It’s A Wonderful Life is in black and white. Yes, it is old. But it is a classic. I think the reason this film in particular touches so many people, is the fact that at some point in our lives, we have all felt like George Bailey or Mary Hatch. He’s a relatable guy. She’s every girl … their story is sweet and sincere and pure. His personal struggles and thoughts hit us because we have had those same struggles and thoughts. The themes covered in in this film are as relevant today as they were back in 1946.  

I wasted hours of my life on Gone With The Wind and Titanic. This may seem like one of those movies to you. I am here to assure you – It. Is. Not.

This is a movie you will be so so happy to have seen. The telephone scene between George and Mary is worth the two-hour screening alone. It’s on Saturday night on NBC. Or rent it, or buy it, but see this film! It’s already December 5th. Get into the spirit, people.

Let me know how you liked it!



Traditions. Traditions are everything to me. They are something to count on, something to  look forward to…

Clifford hates my traditions. All of them. Every time I mention one, I get flack and pushback and whining and groaning … He eventually caves, even though he still doesn’t want to be involved. And isn’t that really all we want, ladies? We just want them to want to be involved. But I digress. Continue reading


I Am Thankful For The Internet

Thanksgiving is, well, tomorrow. So it is only fitting that I post something relating to giving thanks or pilgrims. Since I’m not feeling compelled to compose historical fiction today, I’ve decided to go with the former.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Internet. Now hang in there with me – it’s not quite as materialistic as it may seem!

Firstly I thank the Internet because it has allowed me to find odd roadside attractions. If you read about my journey to Maker’s Mark, then you know that I have taken many a road trip over the years, but have rarely stopped to enjoy the sites or local quirks along the way. I am the girl who has always wanted to see the world’s largest ball of twine. I’m her. That girl. The one who wants the cheap photo op and a kitschy reminder that I WAS THERE. Continue reading


The Intervention

I walked out of the bathroom after my shower routine and they were sitting on the edge of the bed giving me “the look”. My husband was sitting in the middle with his hands in his lap, patiently waiting for me. Each of my dogs on either side of him, their heads low but their eyes looking at me troubled and rather disapprovingly.

I took a step back. Continue reading
