Tag Archives: Hasbro

Thursday-Thank-Yous: June 26th,2014

Ever want to give a quick shout out to someone or something for making your day a little brighter? Thursday-Thank-Yous is your opportunity. Send them in and we will share them with the world. 

road less travelled


Dear Hasbro,

Thank you for making little 6 inch Star Wars  figures with super cool appendages that keep my husband entertained for hours.  - Steph C.


To Dame Angela Lansbury,

Thank you for being one of the most talented actresses on stage and screen! Thank you for still rocking it at 88 years of  age AND thank you for having Adrian Paul on an episode of Murder She Wrote. That was just awesome.  -Libby G


Thank you to The Wonder Years for creating a TV show that I could relate to as a teenager. It didn’t depict teens as totally brainless morons or marginalize their problems.  - Marc C.


Thank you Psych for making me laugh with your endless pop culture references, only half of which I understood.  -@evelynoelle29


Thanks to Stephen King for decades of twisted story telling.  -@mj_chalmers


Thank you Ralph Macchio for never aging!  -Ms. Politico


Thank you Billy Joel for the longest time, telling her about it, and not starting the fire.  - Papa Monkey


I would like to thank Dish Network for being a TV provider that actually provides good customer service. – M.C.


