Author Archives: Lib

To The Flames And Back (guest post)

Today’s guest post has been submitted by Christina Cline Schneider. Christina and I have known each other for years, growing up down the street from one another and recently reconnecting for a weekend in Atlanta. She is an awesome woman on a personal  journey into uncharted waters, and she shares part of that journey today. Thank you so much, Christina! This is a fantastic No-Take-Back.

Two years ago my husband and I made a powerful decision to attend the festival known as Burning Man. Back then we had no idea that a week in the desert would change our lives forever. Most people, who had never been, said it was a drug induced party in the desert while others said it was a spiritual journey. All in all, it became transformational on many levels.

Since attending in 2012 our lives have altered, morphed, and still continue to transform. We sold the home in suburbia, divorced toxic friends, began a new spiritual journey, attended transformational seminars, joined coaching programs, quit corporate jobs, the list goes on. We began learning to live a life we love through community and contribution. Trying to explain what happened in the desert that caused this impact is really difficult, so I’m going to share our 2013 Burning Man project instead. However, if you want to know more about my Burning Man transformation, you can always email me at

What is BURNING MAN, you ask?

Burning Man is an annual event and a thriving year-round culture. The event takes place the week leading up to and including Labor Day, in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. The Burning Man organization (Black Rock City LLC) creates the infrastructure of Black Rock City, wherein attendees (or “participants”) dedicate themselves to the spirit of community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, leaving no trace. As simple as this may seem, trying to explain what Burning Man is to someone who has never been to the event is a bit like trying to explain what a particular color looks like to someone who is blind.

You can check out the ten guiding principles of Burning Man here.

Glad we cleared that up! Now, let me share our 2013 journey to the flames.

We built an art car! Hooray!!

What is an ART CAR (sometimes mutant cars)?

Basically, it’s a car that has been turned into art. The car becomes transportation around the playa. In the years before we always biked, however, this makes for fun transportation. All cars have to pass inspection and be licensed with the Black Rock City DMV. Below are some examples of art cars over the years. Note: you don’t have to build an art car to attend.

Art Cars (from

Art Cars  (from

What is the PLAYA?
The playa is the remnants of Pleistocene Lake Lahontan, a dried up lake bed, which 13,000 years ago covered 8,665 square miles of Nevada.

The playa.

The playa. (Mack Reed /


The playa. (Mack Reed /

The Burningman Playa

Aerial view of the city and campsites 2013 (Mark Harmon /

After deciding that we wanted to build an art car in 2013… the question became… what kind of car? After much thought, the idea was to build an art car that could contribute to the community.  Hmm… perhaps it serves food… perhaps…Fancy Peanut Butter and Jelly Sammiches. We will call her “THE GREAT SAMMICH RIDE.”

The Great Sammich Ride concept.

The Great Sammich Ride concept.

The project began with a first generation Prius 8 months prior to the festival. The Engineer behind the vision, Mike Cline, aka brother, and many others, contributed to make this vision possible. Click on here to get a better understanding.

August 30, 2013 5:33pm
After picking up peanut butter and jelly supplies and gluten free bread donated by Canyon Bake House in Fernley, NV we began hurtling down 447 heading north towards Gerlach.  Our 35 foot Green Smoothie, aka motel 6 on wheels, does her best to pull us along with trailer in tow. It’s a two-lane road of smoldering desert asphalt with little to no shoulder, should we go flying off.  We are on the edge with excitement.

Picture taken somewhere in Wyoming on the way to BRC.

Picture taken somewhere in Wyoming on the way to BRC.

The two-lane highway turns off and onto a new road. Soon we begin driving slowly onto the playa, a 400 square mile known as Black Rock Desert.

Black Rock Desert

Black Rock Desert (

We continue down the road until we approach our camp site. After months of preparation we have arrived and prepare the car for a week of joyous Sammich making!

The art car began as a first generation Prius. The roof was cut off and after months of work she became The Great Sammich Ride. Her job now is to serve Hot PB&J Sammiches and Ice Cold beer. That’s right – we had a kegerator behind the passenger seat.

The art car began as a first generation Prius. The roof was cut off and after months of work she became The Great Sammich Ride. Her job now is to serve Hot PB&J Sammiches and Ice Cold beer. That’s right – we had a kegerator behind the passenger seat.

All those happy smiling faces I met while serving them Sammiches are unforgettable.

Happy smiling Sammich faces.

Happy smiling Sammich faces.


Christina climbing

Christina at the top of an art installation. A total No-Take-Back.

 Christina’s whole-hearted embrace of something so new and totally beyond her comfort zone is what we should all be striving to do in this life. So, let me ask you – have you been to Burning Man? If so, what did you take away from it?



Total-Take-Back: Super Bowl XLVIII

Including commercials. It was just like watching Titanic. 3 1/2 hours of my life I will NEVER get back.

Super Bowl 48

Oh the humanity!


Throw-Back-Monday: Cleaning House

My parents are moving from my childhood home this week (if the snow stops falling). It was my home for 18 years. They are actually moving less than five minutes from me, so I can’t complain, but there’s still a sense of loss. I won’t ever be able to go “home” again. Depressing? Maybe a little, but it’s been fun, too. Because of their move, I was officially forced to remove any remaining relics of my tenure there, which means I found all the knickknacks I’d been hording for years …

I’m not sentimental, but I am nostalgic. I used to keep a lot of things to remember little moments like all of the notes I passed with friends in school (we didn’t have text messages back then, you know, in all of 1996) or the corsage from my sister’s wedding. It’s hard to part with things that remind you of the times you would never take-back.

Luckily I’d read somewhere last year that if you take a picture of an object, the photograph will actually conjure the same memory and feelings the item evokes. I’d say it works. I couldn’t possibly keep all of that stuff, so I took pictures. I created a visual soundtrack to the movie that is my life, or was, in a small town in Northern Indiana. The result has been fantastic. The photos have helped me remember all sorts of cool (and uncool) things. Continue reading


When Life Gives You Snow, Make Snowmenade!

Snow. I’ve said it before – snow is that beautiful white fluffy stuff that blankets your yard, makes the air crisp and silences unwanted clatter. It makes me feel home.

Other Atlantans disagree. Because things like this happen.

snowstorm traffic jam

                                                                  A hiccup.                                                                  (Ben Gray/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/AP Photo) from

Which leads to this.

atlanta traffic in snow

                                                                A gulp.                                                                (Ben Gray/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/AP Photo) from

And then this.

snow in atlanta traffic jam

                             Reckless abandon. Like literal reckless abandon.                                                                     (David Tulis/AP Photo) from                         

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Total-Take-Back: Bored Snowbound Georgians


Perhaps just this once – if the house is a rockin’, maybe you should stop.


Throw-Back-Monday: Having A Guinness In Ireland

Today’s throw-back is one of my fondest.

A year ago this month I was sitting in a bar in Dublin, Ireland having my first Guinness in its natural habitat. Uh-Mazing. I was doing research for my Master’s thesis. I was also limited to two days on the Emerald Isle. All of which were spent in Dublin. And can I say – it was exactly like the movies!

Though I had had my option of staying at a hotel or a traditional B&B, I chose to stay above a pub called O’Donoghue’s. And that pub is where I had the best dinner EVER (other than maybe Ruth’s Chris or the Capital Grille), but the very NEXT best dinner EVER. Continue reading


Ghost Hunting In A Small Town

Ghost hunting? I’m in.

I had just gotten an iPhone. I was sharing my apps with everyone. “I can do this with this one!” and “Look! I can do that with that one!”  (c’mon, it was my first) I even had a flashlight app! How cool was I? (less cool by the moment, but who’s counting?)

So I had just found an EMF detecting app and realized I could use my Voice Memo as an EVP recorder. I didn’t need any other ghost hunting equipment than that, right? I was set. Who’s with me? I recruited my little sister and her hubby.

Me, my little sister and her hubs. Ready to hunt!

Me, my little sister and her hubs. Ready for a serious hunt.

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Total-Take-Back: In The Mouth Of Madness (Kansas Style)

I love scary movies. I particularly like psychological thrillers. Blood and guts? Meh. Mind-blown and goosebumps? Gets me every time. In The Mouth of Madness has stuck with me for years.  Actually one of the scarier films for me to date. The movie has grossly etched two things forever in my mind:

  1. Some small creepy kid saying, “It’s Mommy’s Day!” – etched because I was watching it in the wee hours of the morning  on Mother’s Day with friends. Scared the crap out of us! And kids in scary movies are always creepy.
  2. This totally warped scene of a young/old freaky dude on a bike in the boondocks with playing cards clothes-pinned to his tires. All you could hear was “click, click, click, click, click, click, click.”

Recently Clifford and I were driving through Bufu, Kansas at about 3 in the morning. I was suddenly reliving that scene from the movie, but this time in real life!

In The Mouth

                                                Scene from the movie.                                                screenshot taken from

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Throw-Back-Monday: My Friends, Chicago And Man vs Food

Chicago + Three Best Friends + Man vs Food = AN EPIC GOOD TIME

Chicago? My favorite city in the world.  Darewood and Chelle ? My two best friends.  And Man vs Food at the height of its popularity? Let’s call it the life imitating art imitating life component of our adventure

Darewood, Chelle and I were long overdue for a best friends get-together. Our spouses were kind enough to let us organize a little three-day get-away in the Windy City. You don’t have to tell us twice – we were off.


Sweet, sweet Chicago. Oh how I love thee!

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Total-Take-Back: Walking My Dog

I might as well finish out this week continuing with the dog theme. If there was one thing I wish I could take back (well, there are many one things I wish I could take back, but this one is likely in the top ten) it would have to be the walk my sister and I took with our Chinese Pug.

We had the sweetest little Chinese Pug growing up named Taffy (no, I didn’t name her).

Taffy the chinese pug

Taffy. The sweetest dog in all the land.

My sister and I had taken her on a walk to the river preserve not far from our house. We lived in a very rural area. As we were heading home, we were walking by a house when out of NOWHERE came the most vicious dog I think either my sister or I had ever seen.

The dog was snarling and glaring with his yellow eyes (so help me God! YELLOW EYES!) and racing straight for our sweet little girl. Taffy was frozen. She was completely terrified. I guess you could say her flight or fight instincts kicked in but it was something more akin to the oft-unspoken third option: forfeit. She collapsed to the ground, rolled on her side and started peeing like a race horse. She was peeing on herself, she was shooting it across the road; she couldn’t stop! I never thought such a small dog could have so much in her. I suppose that was her version of a white flag.

Taffy being chased by a dog

Sweet little Taffy offering her complete surrender. 

As the ferocious beast was still rushing our way, my sister and I heard a voice calling from behind the house, “ Buttercup! Buttercup, come back!”

Are you kidding me?!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! That’s like calling Al Capone “Little Angel” as he mows you down with his Tommy Gun.

And here’s the thing – Taffy isn’t moving. As much as we tried to get her back on her feet, it wasn’t happening. We couldn’t physically pick her up, either, because she was spazzing so much. So Taffy just continued to spray her cowardice everywhere.

Then suddenly, with impending doom just feet away, we hear it. CRACK! The chain has hit its limit and stops the savage Buttercup right in her tracks. We were saved!

Taking our lovable little pug on a journey to Hell and back is something I regret terribly. I think she aged 15 years in those 30 seconds that felt like forever. But she did survive, we lived to tell the tale and are eternally wary of dogs with violent names like Buttercup.
