Total-Take-Back: I Offended Superman At The Grocery Store

I was in the supermarket the other day, emerging from the soy milk aisle, when another cart halted just in time to prevent a colossal cart crash. I heard the person behind the cart make that squealing brake sound. You know, that “eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrtttt”. Love this guy already. I always make the eeeeerrrrttt sound with my cart at the grocery store (even if it’s just in my head).

Anyway, standing there was this man that totally looked like a Con-goer stopping just in time with his little girl in the cart seat. I barely noticed because all I could see was the giant Superman shirt he had on.

It made me smile. Ok. It made me laugh. But not in a “I’m totally mocking you because I’m an unmitigated snob kind of way”, more like a chuckle that says “I’m a geek, too! I absolutely appreciate your awesome way of owning your stereotype, man!”

However, what I actually said out loud was, “heh, heh. Superman. Hey, way to save the day.”

It happened in a flash but it was long enough for me to process the dude’s eye roll and the penetrating disdain swallowing his face.

Wait! I think I may have offended the man. SO not what I was trying to do! I liked his shirt, it made me laugh, and he moved out of the way faster than a speeding bullet …

I had to clarify. As I walked away I threw out, “I like your shirt —- Superman.”

Yeah. So he looked pretty disgusted with me on all levels at that point as he stormed off toward the ice cream case.

Being misunderstood is pretty much a guaranteed total-take-back. And if you are out there reading this blog post -I’m sorry, Superman. I’m sorry I sounded like a condescending jerk. You actually made my day.


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