Tag Archives: the beach

Throw-Back-Monday: My Grand Romantic Gesture

Today’s throw-back is a lesson in romantic gestures…

It was a school day, I remember that. We either didn’t have a class or it was during a break between them, but somehow we found time to go to the beach during the day. It was our favorite spot – good ole’ Tybee Island.

Our relationship as a couple was pretty new and still figuring itself out, but I knew it was time for a romantic gesture. When Clifford was in high school he worked at Atlanta Bread Company and when I came to Savannah, to me, ABC sandwiches were literally the greatest thing since sliced bread. I scraped enough money to buy us lunch and borrowed his Saturn to go pick it up. It was going to be a surprise after all, because what truly great romantic gestures aren’t surprises? Continue reading
