Tag Archives: Robin Williams

Thursday-Thank-Yous: August 14, 2014

Ever want to give a quick shout out to someone or something for making your day a little brighter? Thursday-Thank-Yous is your opportunity. Send them in and we will share them with the world.

road less travelled


Thank you to all of you that refuse to rain  on someone else’s parade. You’re awesome. –Steph C.


Dear Robin Williams,

Thank you for making me smile and laugh so hard I could cry. Thank you for lending the world your talents, for even just a short while. — Libby G.


Thank you Apple for making user-friendly devices. Your devices now have a much lower chance of being thrown across the room. –@evelynnoelle29


Thank you Brother Mark for having lots of inbred kitties. Now I’m not the only one. –Stephanie C.


Thank you No-Take-Backs for sharing Clifford stories. They brighten my day. –Lynn G.




Robin Williams Was Here

I feel like I had a pretty good throw-back ready to post yesterday. It had stellar story-telling with funny anecdotes. The type of thing you would all get a kick out of, really. Then I heard the news that Robin Williams had died. Then I felt I needed to write something a little different because this news made me so very very sad and for several reasons.

  1. This was a man we grew up with in our living rooms. Whether it was a sitcom, or a stand-up routine, or a movie being replayed for tv, Robin Williams was a household name.
  2. He was a character. In interviews and on screen, Robin Williams was sharp and silly and everything we’d want in a friend.
  3. This was a man who made us laugh. I think what shocked everyone the most was how someone that could make other people so ridiculously happy, could be suffering so deeply.
  4. His delivery was phenomenal. Yes, there have been some great writers that have written some amazing words for Robin Williams to convey, but it was his delivery of those words, those lines, that made us smile or cry or believe…

There is a lot of sad news going on in the world right now, including in our own backyards. Sad news that can make one question humanity in its entirety… With that said, take a moment when you read this post, and remind yourself of the good news out there as well. That kid who beat cancer … the man who could walk again … that person who smiled your way. Take these little snippets and file them away because these are the moments to live for. Reach out sincerely and frequently to those you encounter. As Robin Williams’s death  reminds us that all isn’t necessarily as it seems. And carpe diem, folks.



