Tag Archives: Gorillas in the Mist

My Sister’s House

I considered anthropological studies at one point. The human species is a fascinating subject. Obviously I landed in other fields, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still enjoy the observation of my fellow people in their natural habitats.

Every time I walk into my sister’s house I feel like Dian Fossey observing the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda. I’m studying not a culture but a species I don’t really understand, but captivates me nonetheless. It can be amusing, scary, disgusting, shocking, and joyous all at the same time. What I witness at my sister’s house is enlightening. Like learning another language. Like trying an exotic food. From the smells, to the sounds, to the visuals overloading my senses, I can’t help but be in awe. In awe, yes, but I also find myself disturbed. Always very disturbed… Continue reading
