Tag Archives: little league

How Pepsi Made My Summer

I had a Pepsi last week. It was a spur of the moment decision. See, I don’t drink pop that often, but when I do, I drink Coke. I live in Atlanta, I mean c’mon. In fact, Coca Cola has been so ingrained in me down here, that I probably haven’t had a Pepsi since my college days. And I’m talking straight up Pepsi, not Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper (I’ve noticed down South you could mean Dr. Pepper, 7UP, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew, yet they still say “Coke” for everything).

It’s not because you can’t find Pepsi here, though it does seem scarce at times. There are those loyal chains that carry the brand, but I don’t usually eat at those restaurants, and again, I don’t usually order pop.

I digress … the bottom line is, for whatever reasons (mostly my proximity to Coke country), I had a Pepsi, and I never have a Pepsi. It was a sunny summer day, the kind where you can smell the fresh cut grass and the BBQ burning in the backyard down the street. And suddenly I was taken back to Hoover Field in New Paris, IN.

The great Hoover Field.

The great Hoover Field.

The trusty old scoreboard.

The trusty old scoreboard. Wait – is that a Pepsi logo I see?

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